Someone once said to me, that people have an incredible propensity for solving the wrong problem really well. It makes sense. We like to feel competent and in control, so when faced with the unfamiliar or shocking we respond in the only way we know how… but we do it with great enthusiasm. It’s not […]
*actually wise, not clever. The reality some of us are currently living in… “Terrorism is the worst threat to mankind.” Terrorism is created by Isis who form their ideas from the Muslim religion, which states that their version of the truth is the only truth. “Aborting fertilized cells is murder”. Abortion is very bad, […]
We all remember it. Advertising Age included it in the top 50 greatest commercials of all time. Who knows how many children were spurred into “creative careers” as a result of seeing it on television during the Superbowl commercials. This is of course the 1984 ad for the Apple computer. Its message was heroic — Apple saves […]
This could actually happen… Donald Trump — President of America. The Trump finger on the nuclear button. “No, YOU’RE fired.” The First Lady, pole dancing in the oval office. If someone was pitching this as a movie idea, most producers would want some sort of back story. “I mean how can we go from Abe Lincoln and […]
Have you noticed how boring politics has become? Journalists search for the reasons we’ve lost interest, but they don’t need to look very far. Journalists are writers, and every writer knows that the key to a compelling story is empathy. Not fancy language, correct information or sentence structure. It’s the ability to evoke a […]