Someone once said to me, that people have an incredible propensity for solving the wrong problem really well. It makes sense. We like to feel competent and in control, so when faced with the unfamiliar or shocking we respond in the only way we know how… but we do it with great enthusiasm. It’s not […]
Three human rights that are wrong in the 21st Century 1. The right to vote. Now that the UK has voted to leave the EU, there have been a raft of vox pops on social media with some alarming responses to the question “Why did you vote leave?” For example… ‘There are just too many […]
This could actually happen… Donald Trump — President of America. The Trump finger on the nuclear button. “No, YOU’RE fired.” The First Lady, pole dancing in the oval office. If someone was pitching this as a movie idea, most producers would want some sort of back story. “I mean how can we go from Abe Lincoln and […]
It started out so well… like most ideas whose time had come. No-one knows exactly HOW it started, but suddenly people began waking up to the fact that the future wasn’t fixed. It could be changed. WE could change. Strange now, to imagine that things could ever have been otherwise, but before the 1960s […]
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity” Charles Dickens certainly knew how to describe the general mood prior to the French Revolution. Many people feel this […]