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Creative Unblocking Retreat

Unblock your creativity with a blast of Greek sunshine, sea, fresh air and of course Eleanor O’Rouke!

A blissful weeklong treat of Finding Your Flow Without The Fuckery

Where we going?

Rosy’s Little Village. A beautiful retreat centre on the island of Agistri, just one hour by ferry from Athens. Think of the iconic Greek getaway – amazing views, blue sea, little white houses and wonderful weather. Imagine learning, laughing and transforming old patterns with like-minded people. It’s time to relax and trust in the magic of new beginnings.

Wednesday 21st – Wednesday 28th May 2025

How your days will flow…

Early-ish morning starts with...

(optional) stretch and yoga by the sea followed by a delicious breakfast.

Late morning leans into….

Eleanor’s inspiring From Fear to Flow creative workshop where she teaches the six archetypal patterns that hold us back from giving full expression to our creative spirit. This is an interactive workshop where you’ll learn techniques to access your unconscious mind in order to integrate shadow archetypes and unblock your creative energy. This will help you turn ideas into fully fledged projects.

Later you have…

Free time to walk around the island, explore and have lunch in one of the many cafes and restaurants near the quayside. 

Afternoon beckons any of the following…

Individual coaching sessions. Free time to reflect, write or paint something based on the subject matter of the morning session. Swimming on a private beach. Sunbathing, relaxing and reflecting.

Dinner …..en famille

Storytelling. Each evening Eleanor will pick one of the stories from Greek Mythology, which link to the themes of the day…including some stories of your own.

Get off the Island…

During the midweek we will do a full day boat trip either to Aegina, Hydra or ancient Epidaurus. Along the way we drop anchor to swim, snorkel or paddleboard.

We have no doubt that…

You will come home feeling inspired and nourished inside and out!

Eleanor has written four books about creativity and the creative journey:

40 Days 40 Nights – one woman’s quest to reclaim her creative mojo.

Breakdown – a rebel’s take on depression

The Freedom Project – how to find contentment in a crazy world

Flow without the F*ckery – wake up your killer creativity

She is a coach and archetypal consultant trained by Caroline Myss. She has been an authority on various aspects of creativity and living a creative life for over 40 years.

Who is this retreat for?

This retreat is for you if you’d love to write a new story for the life you want to live. Based on a different blueprint, one which allows you to make creative decisions without becoming derailed by emotional triggers from the past. It’s about living the truest expression of your soul.

The Prices: The 2025 prices are still to be finessed and announced but will be about £1290 which includes food, accommodation, workshop and coaching. 

Message your interest now to be put on the waiting list here and we will share the final details and costs with you, so you can ask any questions you want to, and start booking your flight to the Rosy’s Little Village.