Burt Bacharach was wrong. What the world needs now is a parent. Rioting, looting kids? A parent would have picked up on the fact that the children were about to go bonkers and done something about it BEFORE the event. It stands to reason. It’s the summer holidays – they’re bored, with nothing to do […]
If I’m going to write about the soap opera previously known as News International, perhaps I need to adopt some tricks of the trade. It’s all about the headline. In surveys 8 out of 10 people will read a headline, but only 2 out of 10 will go on to read the rest of […]
On the whole we’re pretty macho with our creativity. We don’t like the airy-fairy nature of the ephemeral. We talk about wresting our creative demons to the ground and showing them who’s boss. Creativity isn’t something we do, it’s something we are. For way too long masculine energy has ruled the world. At first this […]
Where are we going? Why aren’t we there yet? Could there be something wrong with the map? In geometry, triangulation is the process of determining a location by measuring the angles from either end of the baseline rather than measuring distance to the location directly. In our haste to be destination oriented…’Goals!’ ‘Vision!’ ‘Focus!’ we’ve […]
In the geometric world, triangles represents the interface between choice and creative forces. We make thousands of choices every day so it’s tempting to imagine what life could be like if we made different choices. Not just the big choices, like where to work or who to marry, but the small ones – after all […]