Dog poo through your digital mail box

Nick Clegg claims that voters are so angry about Government spending cuts that they are posting dog poo through his letterbox. I don’t know where this practice started but I do know it has spread to the realms of the metaphysical world.
One could forgive Nick Clegg’s frustrated constituents. Sheffield is a very working class area – its inhabitants may not have access to more creative forms of expression. But Hay House publishing??!!
This morning I received another e-mail that has become so generic it’s almost a template.
“Colette Baron-Reid is offering an astonishing treasure chest of gifts and prizes worth over $40,000.
The prizes, some of them worth hundreds of dollars, are from some of the biggest names in the field of personal growth… spiritual growth… relationship building… mind body healing… Life Coaching and Meditation… ALL FOR F*R*E*E!!!
There are 8 top prizes worth over $1000.00 each, including…
A weekend trip for two to the Hay House I Can Do It! Conference in Pasadena, CA this fall (Value $2500)
An all expenses paid trip (minus airfare) to a once-in-a-lifetime spiritual tour to Peru. “Andean Master Path” June Solstice in the Andes. (Value $3679.00)
A full membership for the SWAT Institute (Value $6,000)
Colette herself is offering several prizes to Spend a Day with Colette in a One Day Workshop in the beautiful coastal town of Portsmouth, NH!! As well as phone readings and many more prizes!!
And lastly there are 2 KINDLES up for grabs!!!
This is not having a go at Colette, but Hay House, whose lack of creativity in the marketing department is somewhat astonishing to say the least. The authors of Hay House books have a central unifying theme – ie disconnect from the limitations of physical reality and tap into the genius of the Collective/God/Universe. I may be going out on a limb here, but I’m pretty damn sure God could come up with something a little better than the above repetitive, formulaic, old hat formula.
Actually I lied… while we’re on the subject, let’s have a go at Colette. After ‘The Secret’ became a runaway best seller followed by mass disillusion when everyone realized it didn’t work, you’d have thought the game was up. But no!! More books than ever on the same theme!
The 7 ways to become rich beyond your wildest dreams.
5 days to uncovering the secrets of the universe.
And now Colette – the 3 questions that, when answered, will enable you to find the magic and meaning in the story of your life.
The imagery and language of the book blurb is a cross between Lord of the Rings and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Does nobody like their own life anymore? Have we all become so bored that we require a hay house full of illusionists to turn them into a swashbuckling adventure in which we finally get to be Johnny Depp?
I’m waiting for the sequel in which the big bad wolf huffs and puffs and blows the house down. Let’s have a little more reality. There is no magic compass. The spiritual journey requires rigour, consistency and hard work, not meetings with goblins over sepia tinged maps.
Hay House, you may be smoking the best shit in the world, but stop mailing it to us. Please get more creative. I’m just saying…