Van Morrison had a reputation for being a bully. I suppose these days you’d call it being a badass but it being 1979 the term hadn’t been coined yet. A badass commands a certain amount of respect whereas a bully just engenders fear. I am in the lobby of a hotel in Amsterdam where […]
If creativity is the answer, what’s the question? There are quite a few really. But here’s a top ten… How can I solve problems at work? How can I find the way forward? How can I beat insurmountable odds? How can I stop an addiction? How can I heal loss? How can I live a […]
The world is going more than a little crazy recently. Pessimists say we’re heading for Armageddon – a world in which… The evil Monsanto controls all global food production. Horrendously expensive real food for the few and cheap, toxic, highly addictive food for the masses. The health system collapses under the weight of all the obese, […]
On the whole we’re pretty macho with our creativity. We don’t like the airy-fairy nature of the ephemeral. We talk about wresting our creative demons to the ground and showing them who’s boss. Creativity isn’t something we do, it’s something we are. For way too long masculine energy has ruled the world. At first this […]
I’ve seen two shows this past month in London. The Wall – an epic production which chronicles Roger Water’s rite of passage from boy to adult, and Lord of the Flies – an open air theatre experience in Regents Park, which does the same. They seem to perfectly encapsulate the two modes of behavior […]